Pharmacy in Bradenton
Bradenton Eckerds Pharmacy was established in 2012 by Vikram Rao and Jack Patel to fulfill the needs of residents on west Bradenton, as fairway pharmacy. Bradenton Eckerds Pharmacy is located in fairway center at the intersection of Manatee Ave West and 51st Street West, next to Ace Hardware. Since 2012, fairway pharmacy has caught attention of local residents for its high level customer service and friendly staff.
Bradenton Eckerds Pharmacy specializes in complex compounding and customized medication forms. We make bio-identical hormone preparations and can transform medication in to any dosage form of patient’s choice.
We are proud to serve the needs of specialty population like cancer patients and other auto immune disorder patients with our specialty compounding service. Bradenton Eckerds Pharmacy provides free prescription delivery and drive-up service. We also provide customized medication packaging with unique dis-pill system, which takes burden of medication organization away from patient.
Contact Details
- Eckerds Pharmacy #103 5139 Manatee Ave West Bradenton FL 34209
- 941 538 7122
- 941 538 7133
- Bradenton@myEckerds.com
- https://www.pointy.com/shops/usa/florida/bradenton/eckerds-specialty-pharmacy-1?page=2